conservation works

Think Again About Your Certainties (June 2024)

Nature Conservation Works So says a landmark study recently published in Science. (Click here for a link to the article.) This is powerful news, and it should be a heartening boost for everyone who has committed their work and funding ...

Turnings, and Getting to the Heart of the Matter (December 2023)

Turnings I turned sixty recently. Something about this one had me thinking quite a bit about the turning. As the milestone approached, I threw out my back and struggled through unusual setbacks. At a conference, feelings of habitual comfort in ...
State of the Bay 2022

Shift Culture, Accelerate Impact (March 2023)

Wild Hope On February 2nd, Flaco made his escape. Someone damaged the enclosure of the Central Park Zoo’s Eurasian eagle-owl and he took flight. Experts and birders urged his recapture. After 12 years in captivity, and far from his native ...

Disruption and Leadership (October 2022)

Work Re-Worked “This going to an office 9-to-5 thing is ridiculous,” our son complained over dinner not long after starting his first post-college job. Our response – Get used to it – was rigid and hopelessly out of touch ...

A Fresh Way to Think About Transitions (March 2022)

On Transitions I often find myself working with people and organizations in moments of transition. I have read academic examinations of the subject, but recently I picked up William Bridges’s more popular-style Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes. Though ...
Lantern Fly

Invasions & Strategies (October 2021)

Flight Fight “Fascinating little moth. It has red underneath its wings!” Insects delight my son and he texted me this photo while we were out of town recently. I too was captivated by it. And then we learned more… Lycorma delicatula, ...

Wandering, Wondering and Wonders (March 2021 )

Introverts v. Zoom v. Extroverts My 16-year-old daughter has become fascinated by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®. No, she’s become obsessed. You know it. That’s the personality test that describes you in four letters (Your “Type”). What could be more appealing ...
Tea and T-Shirts

Tea & Hope (October 2020 )

Tea and T-Shirts Sipping tea in my t-shirt, I contemplate the structure of a particular analysis for an evaluation I am working on. I glance over at the window boxes brightened by the morning sun, then adjust the back cushion ...

Courage & Privilege (July 2020)

A Biting Chance If you should start to find yourself beginning to become numb to the idea that nature is a wondrous thing, and even if you remain alive to this idea, consider this. If bumble bees emerge from hibernation ...

Built for Covid (May 2020)

While weathering the tide here in New York City these last six weeks, I've collected some notes, news, and photos and I thought I’d pass on a few. I hope they provide a measure of help as you work through ...