What We DoWe help you forge each of the links in the chain of strategic action – strategy, initiatives, and evaluation. With a holistic approach, you’ll think more creatively, act more effectively and adapt more successfully.


We help you build a strategy that thoughtfully deploys your organization’s resources to achieve its most critical goals. We get there with you by:

  • Defining the central challenges and opportunities that need to be explored and addressed
  • Understanding the forces most likely to affect your success
  • Assessing the resources you have at your disposal
  • Clarifying how and where you must succeed
  • Deliberating with you the best way to use your resources to achieve your goals, and
  • Resolving together the hard choices about budget and program priorities, needed skills and systems, structure, and other enabling issues

You’ll walk away from our strategy work with a big story about where you need to head, and a clear sense of what you need to do to make that story real.


We help you implement effective initiatives and programs that put your strategy into action. With initiatives and programs it’s crucial to sweat the small stuff. Your initiatives will be carefully designed – built around a clear, mission-based objective, and based on rigorous research, targeted feasibility testing, and thorough planning. And then we’ll help you take action through systematic execution and thoughtful adaptation. The initiatives we craft together will roll out efficiently and produce tangible impact.


You may have answered the question “What should we do?” with creative strategies, but do you pause from time to time to ask “Is it working?”

We help you reflect on your actions and identify what is working well and what needs to change. We work with both facts and stories to build insight into crucial issues. We reflect with you to refine the key take-aways and their implications.

When we are done, you’ll have a clear sense of how to adapt, and you’ll be set for more grounded, more relevant strategy work in the years ahead.